National 5 / Web Development / HTML - Hyperlinks

HTML - Hyperlinks

Learn to link webpages together using the anchor tag


A hyperlink (often referrd to as a link) is an element on a webpage that takes you to another webpage when clicked. This could take the form of a piece of text, an icon, or any other feature on a webpage.

Many hyperlinks take the form of text and appear blue and underlined to indicate that clicking them will take you to another webpage.

The Google search results are a good example of this.

Internal vs External Hyperlinks

All hyperlinks take the form of either an internal hyperlink or an external hyperlink.

This describes whether the hyperlink takes you to a webpage that is on the same website or a webpage on an entirely different website.

Internal Hyperlinks

An internal hyperlink takes you to another page within the same website.

For example, If you are on and you click a link that takes you to another page on, then this is an internal hyperlink.

External Hyperlinks

An external hyperlink takes you to a page on a different website.

For example, if you are on and you click a link that takes you to, then this is an external hyperlink.