Data Types
A look into the different types of data used within Python
In programming, all stored data can be classified into one of five data types.
These are
- Character
- String
- Integer
- Real
- Boolean
During this section you will learn to identify each of these.
Data Types
A character is a single letter or symbol.
In Python, a character will be surrounded by quotation marks.
For example:
- "A"
- "M"
- "@"
A sequence of characters (letters, numbers, and symbols).
In Python, a string will be surrounded by quotation marks.
For example:
- "Car"
- "15 Park Avenue"
- "Steven"
A positive or negative whole number, without decimals.
For example:
- 1
- 73
- -45
A number which contains a decimal point.
For example:
- 7.32
- -42.5
- 2.0
A data type that only has 2 possible values
For example:
- True / False
- Yes / No
- On / Off
When using python, a boolean is defined as True or False